Swift Kids

Swift Kids is an organization with the goal of enriching kids lives and preparing them for the future. Demystifying the complexities of technology, we guide them through the fundamentals of programming, while teaching them skills they can use in and outside of programming.

Our vision: To strengthen a community of young app developers, empowering them to thrive in an era of digital creativity.

Our mission: Inspire and educate youth across all communities by creating an environment that fosters the ability to code together, using unique and interactive real world techniques.


Brendan Miller

Brendan has taught coding on behalf of Apple and Hackergal to a wide variety of audiences including middle school students, grad students, and teachers. He is an IT professional with over 20 years of experience in the Education Sector and an organizer of SwiftTO, Canada’s foremost conference dedicated to the Swift programming language. He also manages NSCoderTO, Toronto’s largest user group for iOS and macOS developers. His hobbies include playing Dungeons and Dragons, chess, skateboarding with his daughter, and exploring the outdoors.