Students will learn about the current tools and techniques in data science and gain hands-on experience to develop some of the most marketable and in-demand skills in tech. All activities are web-based and compatible with PC, Mac and Chromebooks.


Topics We Will Cover

  • Why is data important?

  • The power of data.

  • A discussion on relational database management systems.

  • Data science as a career path.

  • Students will gain hands-on experience learning the basics of structured query language using real world examples.

  • How to create, populate and retrieve data from their own databases.

What SHSM Sectors Does This Certificate Apply To?

Our Data Science SPE workshop satisfies criteria for:

  • "Advanced Training in A Technique"
    & "Sector-Specific Software"

    for SHSM ICT students.
  • "Advanced Training in A Technology"
    & "Sector Specific Software"
    for SHSM Business students.

Why Choose This Workshop?

  • The Data Science industry has seen a 650% job growth since 2012

  • Data Science has an average earning potential of $8,736 more per year than any other bachelor’s degree jobs.

    (Source: IBM)

  • A predicted 2.7 million open jobs in data analysis, data science and related careers in 2020.

    (Source: IBM)

As with all of our SHSM offerings this workshop is fully-customizable. We will work with you to design a workshop to meet your students where they are at and help them achieve their goals.